A top 10 result at the EWS season finale - BMC Switzerland Polska - Rowery Wyczynowe

2-Spalten-470_enduro_ligureThe Italian coastal town Finale Ligure was the perfect setting for the final round of the Enduro World Series. Having just won the Trans-Provence stage race François Bailly-Maître still felt the efforts that were put in racing for multiple days. „It was always a dream to win the Trans-Provence but the week really drained me and I really lacked the necessary punch to place better in this last EWS race”. The race didn’t at all resemble the last year’s edition; We were riding on some very nice flowy trails in the woods and were treated to some excellent varied riding”, said François.

Stage 4 was called „DH-man” and had the racers dive almost in a straight line towards the Mediterranean Sea. „The views were awesome and we enjoyed them during practice but on race day you really needed to be on it”, explained Flo Golay who placed 41st with a consistent riding performance throughout the weekend. Aaron Bradford was glad to be riding on the extra rigid Continental tires. „The rocks were really sharp and we saw a lot of punctures”. Trans-Provence got him into the right riding mode for Finale but he also felt the tiredness in the legs. He placed 40th at the end of a long weekend. The overall series win went to Jared Graves (Yeti) and Tracy Moseley (Trek). François placed 8th in the overall ranking getting the team another top 10 result.

Kerstin Kögler who had also performed very well at Trans-Provence decided not to start due to a sinus infection. She will take up riding again in a few days to prepare for the last race in Sri Lanka.

Results men:
1. Fabien Bael
2. Jared Graves
3. Damien Oton

10. François Bailly-Maître
40. Aaron Bradford
41. Florian Golay

See the full results listing here: http://www.enduroworldseries.com/results.php

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    BMC Switzerland Polska - Rowery Wyczynowe